Tenet #7: No matter what the circumstances, a lady must always consider her reputation.
Truly one of the most important tenets one can keep at the forefront of their consciousness."What is the value of reputation?" one may ask. When I needed to define something for myself back on my plantation home, it was simple enough to run to my father, sit upon his knee, and ask him to define whatever unknown term may be on my mind. That is, if he was not already occupied with Charles, his personal valet. Often in the afternoon, my father and Charles would retire into the study, shut the doors, and occupy themselves into the early evening; so my father was certainly a well-studied man.
Nowadays, however, in this modern world where information swirls at the fingertips of anyone carrying something called a "smart telephone," defining uncertain terms is as easy as typing the word itself into something called the "Google." The "Google", apparently, leads one to an entity by the name of "Wikipedia," which defines the term "reputation" thusly: "the opinion (more technically, a social evaluation) of the group of entities toward a person, or a group of people, based on a certain criterion. It is an important factor in many fields, such as education, business and social status."
Certainly this Mr. Wikipedia is as well spoken as Mr. Webster himself. And certainly both would value this social evaluation of themselves, further strengthening my resolve on the topic of reputation. After all, surely what others think of us must be of the utmost importance in this world, regardless of from what era one may come. One must continually consider how one comes across to those around them, no matter what the level of familiarity. Whether they be close personal friend or intriguing stranger, one must consistently gauge how one may be perceived. This awareness will allow true ladies and gentlemen to present themselves as such.
Miss Magnolia Beatrice Devareux Beaumont, Debutante
Indeed! I couldn't agree more. What a wise lady:)